Educating teens & young adults on the issues of sex trafficking.
What is Stop Sex Trafficking Now?
Stop Sex Trafficking Now (SSTN) is dedicated to educating teens and young adults on the issue of sex trafficking and supporting programs in their outreach to survivors.
Annual Income of the Human Trafficking Industry
(International Labor Organization, 2014)
People Trafficked Globally
(International Labor Organization, 2017)
12-14 YEARS
Avg. Age of Girls Forced into Sex Trafficking in U.S.
(Estes & Weiner, 2001)
What is Trafficking?
Explaining concepts related to sex and other human trafficking.
What puts someone at risk?
Recognizing risk factors associated with sex trafficking.
How can you help?
A guide to being helpful - and not harmful - as a teen/young adult.
Connect with us!
Want to explore how you can get involved? Interested in becoming an SSTN program ambassador?
I am extremely excited to announce that SSTN is conducting a winter drive this December!